
San Francisco Hike No. 4

Sponsored Carpools

You are strongly urged to carpool, either in a Dave&Bill sponsored one or a private one with friends. Advantages of carpooling include defrayal of transportation costs and having others help navigate through the city to the parking destination.

This section is about Bill&Dave Sponsored Carpools: from Santa Rosa and also one from Petaluma.

Each passenger will be expected to contribute $7 for the carpool driver towards gas and a portion of the Golden Gate Bridge toll.

Anyone wishing to carpool from the Santa Rosa area can meet at the Park and Ride in Santa Rosa, located between the Fairgrounds and the Veterans Memorial Auditorium, under the freeway. Meet at 7:30 AM for a prompt 7:45 AM departure. Dave Chalk will be there to help organize the carpools.

Click to view (and optionally print) a map for Santa Rosa carpool parking.

One thing to be aware of with carpooling, is if you opt to terminate the hike early, you won’t be able to go home until everyone in your carpool finishes their hike. You might spend more time in the Noe Valley Shopping areas and/or bring a book and go back to Christopher playground to read.

Mike Noel has stated folks in the Petaluma area wishing to carpool should meet at 7:45 AM for a prompt 8:00 AM departure. The location is the Park & Ride Lot at Lakeville St.(Hwy.116)/Hwy. 101.